To the left are three books that were published within 8 months. The author provided un edited story lines which were edited. For example the children's book manuscript only made for 48 book pages, however the end result was a 116 page book with editing and additional authoring.
The team performed all the editing, manuscript layout, ghost writing, cover designs, submission processes and produced three books with the help of a print on demand publisher. All the publisher did was print what was prepared, laid out and submitted in print ready form. The author played no further role past his original storyline and manuscript.
Having a team of people with the knowledge and understanding of how to prepare and submit a book in print ready form according to the publishers guidelines and submission process makes a very intense situation much easier. From editing, to the manuscript layout & design, designing and creating the front and rear cover, that is where all the hard work comes in. Creating a print ready template for the entire book from cover to cover that the publisher can take to print is where the difficult part comes in.
If you are in the process of preparing a manuscript for layout print ready to include the cover design and cover template contact Elijah Rain Publishing. They have the experience and knowledge to get the project rolling and completed. They also can recommend a publisher that can get your book printed and in circulation at very reasonable prices. That will leave you time to focus on marketing your book, setting up book events and marketing yourself as a author which is a must if you want to sell your books.
Elijah Rain Publishing can also design and create author media boards that showcase the author and new book release, custom book markers that showcase the author, and also assist with author websites and other marketing needs.
Elijah Rain Publishing
Elijah Rain Publishing